From Wed Nov 11 22:17:28 1998 Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 13:10:17 -0000 From: Gab. Dr. Ramos HortaTo: "''" Subject: CNRT Krumbach Declaration Krumbach Declaration 3 November 1998 The political environment in which the fourth All Inclusive Intra-Timorese Dialogue (AIETD) is taking place in Krumbach, Austria, is dramatically different from that of the prior AIETD meetings. Many myths and taboos were shattered by the events that occurred over the last few months in Indonesia and the region in general. These events confirmed the eternal truth that tyranny and other forms of oppression, subjuga tion and armed domination always succumb to the force of reason, justice, the determination and faith of the peoples fighting for freedom and independence. The economic and financial crisis in Asia demystified the Asian "economic tigers" and the alleged superiority of the "Asian values" that were put forward over the last decade to negate the universality and indivisibility of human rights. Only one truth remains - freedom, democracy and rule of law are the only guarantees of true peace, stability, social progress and development. The East Timorese people who have survived some 500 years of colonization, invasion by the Empire of the Rising Sun in 1942-45, and the Indonesian occupation since 1975, have clearly demonstrated its unfailing faith and determination to the world. __________________________________________ We, the undersigned, participants to the fourth AIETD, residing in East Timor and abroad, representing a wide and representative spectrum of our people - youth and student movements, women, workers, intellectuals and prof essionals of the most varied fields, religious confessions and political sensibilities - gathered in Krumbach Kastle from 31 October to 3 November 1998, bearing in mind our people's aspirations and demands, decided to: A. Reiterate our deep appreciation and gratitude to the Austrian Government for its support which made possible the successive AIETD meetings; B. Extend the same appreciation and gratitude to all the governments and institutions that have contributed to and thus made these meetings possible; C. Reaffirm our trust in and sincere appreciation to the UN Secretary General and his staff for the dynamic, creative and serious way in which they have been dealing with the question, exploring all the possible ways to r each a solution; D. Reiterate our support to Bishops D. Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and D. Basilio do Nascimento in their generous efforts in leading the East Timorese people in the quest for peace, freedom and reconciliation; E. Register with satisfaction the contents of Bishop Ximenes Belo's message to the fourth AIETD in which the East Timorese prelate and Nobel Peace Laureate welcomes the "new winds of change" that blow in East Timor, saying that "something is moving in the decolonization process of East Timor", and noting that East Timor had ceased to be an "internal issue" for Indonesia. The Bishop of Dili also underlined in his message that "the people is always sovereign in its decisions and would thus have to determine what is best"; F. Support D. Ximenes Belo's proposal that the AIETD start thinking about the creation of a transitional government. G. Register D. Ximenes Belo's affirmation that "without the participation of Mr. Jose Alexandre Gusm°o, a.k.a. Xanana Gusm°o, the question of East Timor will always remain a problem to be solved". Bearing this in mind, the undersigned, analyzing the evolution of the question of East Timor, decide to clarify the follow: I - The demise of dictator Suharto and the empty promises of BJ Habibie 1. We commend effusively the Indonesian pro-democracy movement for bringing about the demise of dictator Suharto and initiating the still fragile and incipient process of economic and political reforms. The Indonesian people has been the victim, just as we have, of the same oppressive, corrupt and authoritarian regime that has imprisoned, tortured and massacred thousands of people in East Timor and Indonesia itself. But the fall of the hat eful dictator has not automatically brought about justice for East Timor. Today, as yesterday, the Habibie government continues to ignore the engagement taken before the international community to release all East Timorese political prisoners, as the Suharto government did. 2. Our leader Xanana Gusm°o, President of the CNRT, is still in prison. 3. The presence of the Indonesian military in East Timor is violent and in violation of all human values. We commend the removal of general Prabowo Subianto, responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetra ted in East Timor throughout his carrier. But general Prabowo and other Indonesian high-ranking officers must be tried and punished for the crimes they committed against the East Timorese people. 4. We demand the immediate and unconditional release of all East Timorese prisoners and our leader Xanana Gusm°o, CNRT President. 5. We condemn the new Indonesian military offensives carried out by the Indonesian armed forces stationed in East Timor. 6. We denounce the lack of good faith and honesty on the part of the Indonesian government for not keeping the promises Habibie made to our estimated bishops D. Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and D. Basilio do Nascimento to w ithdraw quickly and massively hundreds of Indonesian soldiers in August. By mid-September, just over a month after the August farce, at least ten battalions were introduced in East Timor. II - Demilitarization and Pacification We demand the following under the supervision of the United Nations: 1. The cessation of all armed activity. 2. The immediate withdrawal of the majority of the Indonesian forces from East Timor to a number agreed on by all four parties - the UN, Portugal, Indonesia and the East Timorese Resistance. 3. The remaining Indonesian troops should be stationed in uninhabited areas to be identified and agreed upon. 4. All armed and paramilitary groups created by the Indonesian military must be dismantled. 5. The collection of all weapons and ammunitions in the possession of individuals and private groups. We commend: The repeated declarations of the FALINTIL Command that they would observe a cease-fired agreed upon in a UN supervised process. We call on: 1. The international community to establish a special fund to be used as incentive for those who will surrender weapons in exchange for cash, food, agriculture seeds, tools and transport vehicles. 2. The training by the UN of a Timorese police force. 3. The establishment of a UN Peace Keeping Force in East Timor. III - We demand that the emigration of Indonesians to East Timor be suspended until the promulgation of the Immigration Law by the Timorese Legislative Assembly elected in the context of the transition process agreed upon by all parties. IV - Development and Humanitarian Aid Programs We commend: The meeting of experts that took place in Vilamoura, Portugal from October 21 to 24 to formulate a strategic sustainable development plan for East Timor. We call on the World Bank to: Urgently develop an autonomous aid program specifically for East Timor in the following areas: A. Development of the Primary Sector: Agriculture and animal husbandry Fishing B. Commerce Aid for the development of small trade and business with credit and loans similar to those established by the Grameen Bank scheme. C. Industry - Aid for the development of small industries - Aid for the development of traditional crafts for exportation D. Human resources: training of human resources in banking and finance through courses, practical training schemes and seminars at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington or in East Timor. E. Cultural heritage: through special programs of the World Bank for the recuperation, preservation and revitalization of the historic and cultural heritage of the East Timorese people, particularly its traditional languag es such as Tetum, sacred sites and historical monuments, etc? F. We ask the World Bank, through its Post-Conflict Programme, to undertake an evaluation of the current situation in East Timor with a view towards developing a global reconstruction plan for East Timor. V - UN Development and Humanitarian Agencies We commend and thank the Department of Humanitarian Coordination of the United Nations for the interest it manifested in the situation in East Timor. We call for: 1. immediate assistance to alleviate the suffering of the East Timorese people, in particular of the women and children, silent victims of the occupation, victims of the economic and financial crisis deeply affecting Indo nesia and its neighbors. 2. UNICEF, UNDP, WHO, WFP, FAO, UNIFEM to bring humanitarian and development aid quickly to East Timor. VI - Population Census As it is necessary and urgent to establish with scientific precision the size and composition of the East Timorese population, we call on the UN to carry out urgently a census of the East Timorese population. VII - Economic Indexes As it is always the case with dictatorships and authoritarian regimes, the statistics are manipulated to meet the fancy of whoever is in power. The Soviet Union and Indonesia are two examples of this phenomenon. No rigorou s strategic development plan for East Timor can be established without the collection of accurate data and analysis of all East Timor's economic indexes, namely a census of the population, production indicators in all are as from economy to health, education, etc? We thus call on the UN Secretary General, the World Bank, UNDP and other competent agencies to coordinate their efforts to undertake a rigorous data collection. VIII - Human Rights and Justice We appeal to the High Commissioner for Human Rights to establish urgently a permanent presence in Dili and other places in East Timor to ensure: 1. the promotion and protection of human rights 2. the organization of seminar and training courses for human rights defenders 3. the promotion of a culture of peace, tolerance, dialogue and reconciliation We demand that the occupying Indonesian authorities: 1. end immediately arbitrary detention 2. cancel the "black list" of East Timorese activists in exile so as to permit their access to the territory 3. cancel the "black list" inside the territory so as to permit the free circulation of the population in East Timor 4. the immediate end of torture, summary and arbitrary executions 5. the end of violations of the East Timorese women, and in this regard, we call on the Committee for the Elimination of the Discrimination against Women to investigate and prepare an urgent report on the condition of wom en in East Timor 6. the end of the forced prostitution of the East Timorese Woman. We ask the UN Voluntary Fund to support the victims of torture as well as other competent institutions, included governments, to set up a Rehabilitation Program in East Timor and abroad to assist these victims. IX - Environment The East Timorese environment is severely affected as a result of a deliberate strategy of the Indonesian military to destroy the East Timorese forests in its offensive against the armed resistance. As it happened in Sum atra and Kalimantam, the extraction of wood and the "transmigrasi" program have contributed to the deterioration of Nature in East Timor. We thus call on the competent UN bodies and the World Bank to take into account environmental rehabilitation and protection as part of a sustainable development strategy in East Timor. X - Education 1. The East Timorese education system must be entirely revised to reflect the East Timorese history, tradition and culture and to serve the true interests of East Timor. 2. Bearing this in mind, we demand the amelioration and expansion of the polytechnics, teaching colleges and university, oriented by East Timor's needs, with technical training programs in areas considered as priorities. 3. We demand the introduction of Tetum and the reintroduction of Portuguese in all schools in East Timor, starting at primary school. 4. We ask Portugal to promote - in conjunction with the CPLP member countries, a teachers training program in Portuguese language. XI - Towards a Political Solution 1. The future of East Timor can only be decided by the people freely, without restriction or coercion in the exercise of their fundamental right to self-determination in an international judicial framework. 2. In this sense, all the relevant UN resolutions on the question of East Timor must be taken into account in so far as these resolutions were adopted by the international community in reaction to actions violating the fun damental and inalienable rights of the East Timorese people. 3. We cannot comment in any depth or details on the autonomy plan proposed by the UN that has already been presented to the Foreign Ministers of Portugal and Indonesia as we have not had access to the said document. 4. The East Timorese people as a whole will repudiate any agreement sealed between the two parties without the East Timorese consent. 5. We thus demand the adoption of a new format for the negotiations that would allow the full involvement of the East Timorese people in the negotiation on the future of East Timor. We support a negotiation process involvi ng the direct participation of the CNRT led by Xanana Gusmao aiming at the establishment of a transitional administration for a specific period of time in keeping with international law, without prejudicing the position of principle of each of the parties involved. 6. We reiterate that any solution for East Timor must be reached through dialogue. 7. We declare our full support to the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in the search for a solution for East Timor. 8. We believe that only a process that would respect the true aspirations and highest interests of the East Timorese people would viable on the ground. 9. In this framework , we are prepared to take into consideration whichever proposal aiming at a peaceful transition leading to a final solution that, to be valid and internationally acceptable, must be approved by way of a referendum on self-determination under UN supervision. XI - All Inclusive Intra-Timorese Dialogue The present format of the AIETD does not correspond to the demands of the current reality. We believe in the virtue of a true intra-Timorese dialogue, but this dialogue will produce palpable results only when it takes pla ce in East Timor and involves the clerical, political hierarchies and traditional authorities among others. Because we are aware of the necessity of an authentic reconciliation process among the East Timorese, we commend Bishops D. Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and D. Basilio do Nascimento for the efforts they have made towards the social and political harmonization of the East Timorese people. We also commend Rev. Arlindo Mar‡al, President of the Christian Council of East Timor, for his efforts to raise awareness, foster dialogue and harmony within the East Timorese society. In keeping with our own convictions and corresponding to the appeal of the UN Secretary General, we call for non-violence, tolerance and respect of private and public property. We proudly register the discipline demonstrated by our people. We register and recall that since Suharto's fall, and in spite of the provocations of the Indonesian military our people never gave in to the temptation of ven geance and retaliation against the Indonesian migrants and East Timorese collaborators. On the other hand, we condemn the irresponsible and reprehensible behavior of the Indonesian military and other members of the Indon esian repressive regime. END - Official translation of the original version in Portuguese signed in Krumbach on 3 November 1998 -